albrecht von haller

albrecht von haller

Usystematyzował wiedzę botaniczną i medyczną, którą zawarł w wielotomowym opracowaniu pt. From a literary point of view the main result of this, the first of his many journeys through the Alps, was his poem entitled Die Alpen, which was finished in March 1729, and appeared in the first edition (1732) of his Gedichte. 12 grudnia 1777 tamże) - szwajcarski, lekarz, fizjolog, botanik i poeta i publicysta naukowy okresu oświecenia. Allgemeine Informationen nach § 5 Abs. Il est également reconnu comme poète, critique de littérature du siècle des Lum… Author information: (1)Sección de Metodología y Teoría de la Ciencia, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. Unser Studentenheim befindet sich an bester Lage in Bern. Małej Radzie. Birthplace: Bern, Switzerland Location of death: Bern, Switzerland Cause of death: unspeci. 1768), który kontynuował idee wuja. Albrecht von Haller (ur. Quelle: Wikimedia Commons. Von Haller reprezentował typowo konserwatywne poglądy polityczne i społeczne, do pewnego stopnia zbieżne z tymi jakie głosił Justus Möser. Albrecht von Haller: Date of birth: 16 October 1708 Bern: Date of death: 12 December 1777 Bern: Country of citizenship Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777). Wir haben uns nach Albrecht von Haller, dem grossen Berner Gelehrten, benannt. 16 października 1708 w Bernie, zm. Swiss anatomist and physiologist, was born of an old Swiss family at Bern, on the 16th of October 1708. [8], Notwithstanding all this variety of absorbing interests, Haller never felt at home in Göttingen; his untravelled heart kept on turning towards his native Bern, where he had been elected a member of the great council in 1745, and in 1753 he resolved to resign his chair and return to Switzerland. The original is also in ten-line stanzas, though perhaps the association between the Spenserian stanza and the theme of simplicity is also implied in … 1996 Jun 16;137(24):1319-21. instytut anatomii i założył ogród botaniczny. Opuscula sua Botanica Albrecht von Haller Full view - 1749. At the age of four, it is said, he used to read and expound the Bible to his father's servants; before he was ten he had sketched a Biblical Aramaic grammar, prepared a Greek and a Hebrew vocabulary, compiled a collection of two thousand biographies of famous men and women on the model of the great works of Bayle and Moréri, and written in Latin verse a satire on his tutor, who had warned him against a too great excursiveness. Albrecht von Haller (ur. Advertisements. Opuscula sua botanica prius edita Albrecht von Haller Full view - 1749. Albrecht von Haller. Ostatnie lata Hallera naznaczone były walką z chorobami. HALLER, ALBRECHT VON (1708 – 1777), Swiss physician, anatomist, and poet. Oktober 1708 in Bern; 12. Schweizer Mediziner, Botaniker und Wissenschaftspublizist in der Zeit der Aufklärung; 1751 Mitbegründer und erster Präsident der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Opere. Haller also grew many plants from the Alps himself. "[12], sfn error: no target: CITEREFInternational_Plant_Names_Index2009 (, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Old Botanical Garden of Göttingen University, History of anatomy in the 17th and 18th centuries, "Irritability and Sensibility: Key Concepts in Assessing the Medical Doctrines of Haller and Bordeu", "Letters from Baron Haller to His Daughter on the Truths of the Christian Religion", Brain and Nerve = Shinkei Kenkyū No Shinpo, Fiziologicheskiĭ Zhurnal SSSR Imeni I. M. Sechenova, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Isis; an International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences, "William Harvey and the foundation of modern haemodynamics by Albrecht von Haller", "Albrecht von Haller and his Elementa Physiologiae as the beginning of pathological physiology", Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii I émbriologii, La Rassegna di Clinica, Terapia e Scienze Affini, Publications by and about Albrecht von Haller,, Honorary Members of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Members of the French Academy of Sciences, Members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Articles lacking in-text citations from December 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles with Biodiversity Heritage Library links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Botanist identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 10:23. He supported his failing strength by means of opium, on the use of which he communicated a paper to the Proceedings of the Göttingen Royal Society in 1776; the excessive use of the drug is believed, however, to have hastened his death. ; 2 Molecular Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions Research Group, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Goettingen, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany. His contributions ranged across anatomy, physiology, embryology, botany and poetry. He managed to analyze the irritability of muscle and the sensibility of nerves, studying circulation time and the automatic action of the heart. Hegel claims that Haller is aware that: "only by giving up this empty, infinite progression can the genuine infinite itself become present to him. [3], In 1729 he returned to Bern and began to practice as a physician; his best energies, however, were devoted to the botanical and anatomical researches which rapidly gave him a European reputation, and procured for him from George II in 1736 a call to the chair of medicine, anatomy, botany and surgery in the newly founded University of Göttingen. "[1][2], Haller was born into an old Swiss family at Bern. A pupil of Herman Boerhaave, he is often referred to as "the father of modern physiology." Nine Prior stanzas, translated from Die Alpen, by the Swiss poet Albrecht von Haller (1708-77) was published in 1732. [3], Haller's attention had been directed to the profession of medicine while he was residing in the house of a physician at Biel after his father's death in 1721. Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 12 gru 2020, 09:20. Albrecht Gustav von Manstein, (1805-1877), Prussian general Albrecht II, Count of Hohenberg-Rotenburg (C.1235–1298), Count of Hohenberg and Haigerloch Albrecht Kossel , German biochemist and pioneer in the study of genetics Inde ad ductum phaenomenorum, in sano obviorum, transeas ad experimenta in corpore aegroro," etc. T + K (2002) 69 (3): 132 Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777) - Arzt, Botaniker und Lyriker Rolf Giebelmann1 und Enno Logemann2 1 Institut für Rechtsmedizin im Klinikum der Ernst-Moritz-ArndtUniversität Greifswald, Kuhstraße 30, D-17489 Greifswald 2 Institut für Rechtsmedizin im Klinikum der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Brsg., Albertstraße 9, D-79104 Freiburg/Brsg. 16 października 1708 w Bernie, zm. Jahrhunderts, vergleichbar mit Lessing und Newton. Hallers botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet Haller, es ist aber auch Hall. Albrecht von Haller. Nach Blumenbachs Einschätzung war er einer der größten Gelehrten im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, und dies an Mannigfaltigkeit und Umfang sowie an Tiefe der Kenntnisse. in Gebrauch. He had five siblings and after the death of his mother, his father remarried Salome Neuhaus. "Elementa physiologiae corporis humani" (wyd. Apart from the ordinary work of his classes, which entailed the task of newly organizing a botanical garden (now the Old Botanical Garden of Göttingen University), an anatomical theatre and museum, an obstetrical school, and similar institutions, he carried on without interruption original investigations in botany and physiology, the results of which are preserved in the numerous works associated with his name. Oferowano mu wielokrotnie posady na różnych europejskich uczelniach, According to Hegel, Haller realizes that a conception of eternity as infinite progress is "futile and empty". Albrecht von Haller, (born Oct. 16, 1708, Bern—died Dec. 12, 1777, Bern), Swiss biologist, the father of experimental physiology, who made prolific contributions to physiology, anatomy, botany, embryology, poetry, and scientific bibliography. W uznaniu swej wiedzy medycznej został mianowany doktorem honoris causa i nadwornym medykiem dworu angielskiego. When still hardly fifteen he was already the author of numerous metrical translations from Ovid, Horace and Virgil, as well as of original lyrics, dramas, and an epic of four thousand lines on the origin of the Swiss confederations, writings which he is said on one occasion to have rescued from a fire at the risk of his life, only, however, to burn them a little later (1729) with his own hand. 1 ECG finden Sie hier.hier. Informationen über Leben und Werk Albrecht von Hallers (1708-1777) sowie über die Ziele und Ergebnisse des Haller-Projekts. Albrecht von Haller (also known as Albertus de Haller; 16 October 1708 – 12 December 1777) was a Swiss anatomist, physiologist, naturalist, encyclopedist, bibliographer and poet. 16 października 1708 w Bernie, zm. BIOGRAFIE Haller Albrecht von Haller (* 16. Zum Druke befördert durch den Herausgeber der Geschichte Usongs, Bernae, in Verlag der neuen Buchhandlung, 1772.; Albrecht von Haller, Elementa physiologiae corporis humani, 10. w Utrechcie i Oxfordzie, jednak żadnej z nich nie przyjął. It was during his stay there also that his interest in botany was awakened; and, in the course of a tour (July/August, 1728), through Savoy, Baden and several of the cantons of Switzerland, he began a collection of plants which was afterwards the basis of his great work on the flora of Switzerland. But no one, not a single physician, attended to or followed up this invaluable hint. Latem 1727 odbył akademicką podróż po Anglii (Londyn i Oxford), a następnie udał się do Francji, gdzie w Paryżu ponownie spotkał Gessnera. Prevented by long-continued ill-health from taking part in boyish sports, he had more opportunity for the development of his precocious mind. While still a sickly and excessively shy youth, he went in his sixteenth year to the University of Tübingen (December 1723), where he studied under Elias Rudolph Camerarius Jr. and Johann Duvernoy. Albrecht von Haller Victor Albrecht von Haller was an 18th century scientist who did extensive work in the life sciences, including anatomy and physiology, botany, and developmental biology. W 1735 uzyskał jedynie nominację na stanowisko bibliotekarza miejskiego. Albrecht von Haller (Berna, 16 de octubre de 1708 – ibíd. W dziele tym, które wznawiano aż do początków XX w., zawarł kompleksową, krytyczną wiedzę z anatomii i fizjologii swojej epoki. Haller was born in Bern, Switzerland, the youngest son of a lawyer.He began his medical studies in T ü bingen in 1724, then moved to Leiden to continue his training under the famed Herman Boerhaave (1668 – 1738). HALLER, ALBRECHT VON (1708 – 1777). He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1743, a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1747, and was ennobled in 1749. 12 grudnia 1777 tamże ) – szwajcarski, niemieckojęzyczny lekarz, fizjolog, botanik i poeta, a także jeden z pierwszych niemieckojęzycznych konserwatystów. Dissatisfied with his progress, he in 1725 exchanged Tübingen for Leiden, where Boerhaave was in the zenith of his fame, and where Albinus had already begun to lecture in anatomy. W 1747 objął kierowanie wydawaniem "Göttingischen Zeitungen von gelehrten Sachen" i ponownie odrzucił zaproszenie z zagranicy, tym razem z Berlina. Elementa Physiologiae Corporis Humani. 12 grudnia 1777 tamże) – szwajcarski, niemieckojęzyczny lekarz, fizjolog, botanik i poeta, a także jeden z pierwszych niemieckojęzycznych konserwatystów. In a way, Hegel uses Haller's description of eternity as a foreshadowing of his own conception of the true infinite. Później (w latach 1758–1762) zarządzał salinami w Roche w dystrykcie L'Aigle, a następnie, do 1763 pełnił obowiązki wicegubernatora L'Aigle (obecnie w kantonie Vaud). Oktober 1708 in Bern; † 12. 23 kwietnia 1749 uzyskał szlachectwo, nadane mu przez cesarza Franciszka I. W 1753 objął stanowisko Rathausammana we władzach Berna, co pozwoliło mu powrócić do tego miasta wraz z rodziną – jednak tylko na cztery lata. 12 grudnia 1777 tamże) – szwajcarski, niemieckojęzyczny lekarz, fizjolog, botanik i poeta, a także jeden z … He alone, besides myself, saw the necessity of this (vide the Preface to the Pharmacopoeia Helvet., Basil, 1771, fol., p. 12); Nempe primum in corpore sano medela tentanda est, sine peregrina ulla miscela; odoreque et sapore ejus exploratis, exigua illiu dosis ingerenda et ad ommes, quae inde contingunt, affectiones, quis pulsus, qui calor, quae respiratia, quaenam excretiones, attendum. Von Haller uważał radykalne poglądy filozofów oświecenia za "czyste zło". [11], The plant genus Halleria, an attractive shrub from Southern Africa, was named in his honour by Carl Linnaeus. Jego synem był botanik Albrecht von Haller (1758–1823). He also warmly interested himself in most of the religious questions, both ephemeral and permanent, of his day; and the erection of the Reformed church in Göttingen was mainly due to his unwearied energy. [7] Another son, Albrecht was also a botanist. Albrecht von Haller Albrecht von Haller (ur. Albrecht von Haller, Dr. Albrecht Hallers Versuch von schweizerischen Gedichten, Bern, bey Niclaus Emanuel Haller, 1734. Zimą 1727–1728 Haller i Gessner studiowali tu anatomię i doskonalili się w chirurgii w renomowanych szpitalach. The eldest, Gottlieb Emanuel, attained to some distinction as a botanist and as a writer on Swiss historical bibliography (1785–1788, 7 vols). One of the greatest and most influential biologists of the 18th century, Swiss scientist Albrecht von Haller is often credited as the “father of experimental physiology”. Albrecht von Haller. [10], Haller was among the first botanists to realize the importance of herbaria to study variation in plants, and he therefore purposely included material from different localities, habitats and developmental phases. Albrecht von Haller: Портрет Альбрехта фон Галлера работы Иоганна Хубера, 1736 год: Дата рождения: 16 октября 1708 Место рождения: Берн, Швейцария: Дата смерти: 12 декабря 1777 (69 лет) Место смерти

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