minikit bleu lego star wars saga complète

minikit bleu lego star wars saga complète

Once in the courtyard, follow the story path until you’re over the Force-built bridge. It’s been ages since we heard anything about TT Games’ next big release, and possibly the most anticipated in their LEGO games history, LEGO Star Wars: The, This guide will show you how to achieve 100%. Destroy it, move inside and it will be in the middle of the room#7: After creating the disco ball, grapple to the ledge and it will be next to a Build-It#8: In the next area, go behind you#9: To the left of the rear shielded rotating target#10: High jump to the ledge and move rightChapter 3:#1: At the start of the level, move left#2: When the two speeders show up, head south#3: (make sure you're going slow) stay left of the first rock #4: When you come to a split in the path stay right, and take out the turret in front of the Mini-Kit#5: Move over to the left and it's to the left of a regular tree#6: Stay to the far left, past the cliff on your right and a little bit past,look left#7: After destroying the group of two speeders, jump in an walker tank, move to the cliff with the Dark Force bushes and jump out onto the cliff #8: After destroying the group of three speeders, head west after jumping off you speeder#9: After destroying the group of four speeders, head south#10: After destroying the Force field, create th grapple point and grapple to the ledgeChapter 4:#1: At the start, jump on the chair#2: Go behind the tree hut, just before the bridge#3: South of the C-3PO access point#4: North of the moving area#5: After going down the elevator, head SSW to some bushes and cannisters. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Category Extensions LEGO series. (the one where you can get to the shooting gallery)#4: Just before the entrance to the Cantina, on the right#5: The last table in the back.#6: Follow the spy to the next area and jump to the ground#7: In the C-3PO access area, go straight then left#8: In the theater#9: To the left of the theater, in the fertilizer area#10: High jump on the Falcon, then jump on the second floor ledge and go all the way to the rightChapter 4: #1: At the first right, go in the room, next to the crane#2: Place where C-3PO and R2-D2 hide#3: (There are two paths I will refer to, the left is Story mode path, the right is Obi-Wan's.) Minikit #3 (00:44): 1 As soon as you start, go up the grapple and jump across. Head around the ledge and go right. Thanks for your help! Destroy the blocks next to where he was to build a platform up to the minikit. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Or does someone have good website that I could find out where this minikit is? LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is a video game based on the Star Wars movies by George Lucas and the Star Wars-themed toy line by the LEGO Group. 8 From the middle, head up the far right beam. While this doesn't give you an extra Gold Brick, it does add to game completion. Let’s Play | Minecraft – There’s a Rebel Base Under ... Let’s Play | Minecraft – The Return of MineNoob, LEGO Porsche 911 Turbo – LEGO Set 75895 Vs. Forza Horizon 4, Let’s Play | Minecraft – The Start of Something…. Now you have to Dark Force move the other platform and continue the other way around#4: Move to the second grapple point, grapple to the ledge, throw the switch, continue going to the small gap, and boost across#5: Behind the Force move object need to complete the elevator#6: At the top of the elevator, move west, to a silver barrier. The first time you play through the "Darth Maul" level on "Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga," you'll likely notice that there are a few Minikits you cannot obtain. Climb through and then follow the path to the right for the minikit. LEGO Star Wars 2 Guide. Dark Force move the steps and walk to the top#9: Go right from the last one into the slot machine room#10: Head back down into the Falcon room and throw the two switches just right from the entranceChapter 3: #1: Head to the second ship (going left to right) past the turrets#2: Across the way from the first TIE gate#3: Stay to the left and continue to a Mini-Kit holder#4: To the right of the first asteroid barrier#5: After you blow up the barrier#6: To the left a little way after the start of the new area#7: To the right close to the 2nd barrier#8: Right of the worm hole #9: Left for a bit after the 3rd barrier#10: Directly across from the last oneChapter 4:#1: After making the two ramps, to the right up the path a little ways, will be a dark Force blockade. Again, it will be near the edge at the end.#7: After destroying one of the Separatists ships' Command deck, you will see it before diving across a Republic ship#8: After opening up a Republic cargo hold, you will travel through it, it will be on the right#9: After fighting through a wave of droid ships, it will be right there a few seconds after it#10: After avoiding another superlaser, it will be above the laser blastChapter 2: #1: Turn around and head to the yellow fighter#2: At the first grapple point, grapple to the ledge and head left#3: Use your R2-D2 unit and activate an elevator, get on it, and head to the back of a LEGO stud generator#4: In the 3rd door (C-3PO's door)#5: Head all the way to the left after making that path.#6: Now head all the way to the right#7: During your battle with Count Dooku, head up the stairs and to the right.#8: To the far left of Chancellor Palpatine's chair is a jump point#9: Just before the steam vents on the assembly line#10: Enter the command deck and stay on the far left, near the windowsChapter 3: #1: At the start, go west to a boost point. Fly over the canyon and once inside the palace, go down the hall on the left. In the next corridor, you’ll come to an area where the story will take you off to the right through an R2-D2 controlled door. 9 After going through the 4 target door, go north and find it behind some bombs. This guide will show you how to achieve 100% completion on the LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga level 5, Retake Theed Palace. Go down this, into the Jedi Council Chamber and behind the 2nd chair#7: At the 2nd opening, turn left and grapple to the ledge#8: After clearing the door to the last part of the level, jump on the "arm" (off the the right) then jump onto the walkway, and head left#9: Continue along the walkway to two more mechanical arms, deactivate the shields in the last three sections, then in the last section, Force movethe platforms and high jump to the switch, and high jump to the ledge above it #10: In the last room, head left near the group of StormtroopersChapter 6: #1: Behind you at the start of the level#2: In the middle left of the room is an R2-D2 access point. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. 3 Jump down and go through the main R2D2 door. In Episode 4, on the first chapter I have found 9 out of 10 minikits. 9 The next one is back inside the palace. It will be on the right just as you enter#5: Before continuing past the Stormtrooper access point (after you destroy the Dark Force wall) you will need to backtrack down the Story mode path. Minikit #5 ( 02:06): LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Challenge (Blue Mini-Kits) Blue Kits: This is exactly the same as the White Minikits, apart from the fact that they're blue and in different places. The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. To the right of the dining table you’ve just destroyed, use the Force on the small tables to build a route up to the top level against the back of the room. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Cheat Codes – 2021 Guide Ellie Zhuang Updated: January 27, 2021 no comment If you enjoy smashing your way through group of enemies and getting through each level in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, chances are at some points, you’ll notice that there’re things you simply can’t interact with because you don’t have the right character. The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Game Guide by Help us fix it by posting in its. Create it and crawl through it. WiiU ... Hey there today I was playing the game and decided to go for the carrot minikit that you needed to destroy 3 trashcans to reveal 3 carrots and a minikit will appear. 1 Answer. Go back out and run towards the screen and there should be a kit next to the shield door, Run all the way right and jump on the conveyor belt. This guide will show you how to achieve 100% completion on the LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga level 3, Escape from Naboo. ♣ Indicates a Non-Playab… This will reveal another button which, when pressed, reveals the minikit. 2 After grappling twice, blow up the window inbetween two flower pots. Easy to spot and retrieve. #2: Same place on the ship to the north of the first one#3: Stay to the left as you can and keep the blasters going#4: In the same room with the first Force field off to the left#5: To the right in the tunnel leading to the main reactor#6: In the same room with the second Force field off to the left#7: In between the 4th and 5th electric turret (going right to left)#8: Stay Right#9: Stay Left#10: Stay Left. As for the noise, it is just to let you know that a minikit or red brick is nearby, because sometimes the method of revealing a minikit isn't obvious (e.g. Once pressed, you’ll be able to Force out the glasses and plates. Using a ghost character will make you invisible to enemies. Minikit #8 (03:58): 3 (First Lap) In between two sets of holes on the left after dropping down, 5 (First Lap) In pink crystal cave on right, 6 (First Lap) After pink crystal cave on right, 7 (First Lap) Right after #6 under rock bridge, 9 (First Lap) To the left of speedpads after #8. Boost your way south to a small island.#10: When you first enter the lava pool room, there is a small ramp leading into the lavaChapter 4: #1: On top of the Padmé's pole#2: Heading right, behind the first pole you see#3: As soon as you hit the gate after #2, head south into the battle#4: Behind Anakin's pole#5: Behind the pole just past the silver object#6: To the left of Obi-Wan's pole#7: High jump to the Stormtrooper access panel, jump to the ledge to the north, head right, then high jump to the ledge to the south#8: To the left of the crawlspace#9: Past #8 is an open area with brown and yellow LEGO blocks. This walkthrough is the property of Get there then head right#5: Continuing to the right will be a tall cliff, high jump to this area and pick up the Mini-Kit#6: After #5 keep right and fall down to the opening below#7: Again stay right and walk along the narrow cliff#8: From there go along the bridge#9: Go inside the dome and head to the back#10: Force move the 4 locks in the middle pedestalChapter 4: #1: Lower the bridge, then at the first right, take it and continue it to the end#2: Go back and head to the next raised bridge. Minikit #7 (02:52): Studs don't appear and you don't have access to any extras. 5 After building the R2 panel, in the next area, shoot open the brown windows with plants and go in. Does anyone know where they all are? Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga is a game by Lucasarts ltd. and Lego tm. From the previous minikit, follow the platform around to the left and you’ll see the minikit in a window. Minikit #6 (02:38): The game has new characters like Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Lama Su, R2-Q5, Watto, Taun We, Zam Wesell, Boss Nass, and Captain Tarpals (these characters are not playable in the Nintendo DS version). In the first area, once you’ve taken out the droids, head up to the top platform and then go as far right as you can to find the minikit. Next, follow the thin ledge around the room to the right for the minikit. The only way to obtain all ten hidden Minikits is to complete the level in "Story" mode, and return to it in "Free Play" mode with the proper characters. We aim to provide easy to follow guides and any feedback is welcome. Next, destroy the statue in the alcove to reveal a floor button. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? #1: At the start, head left to a Dark Force object on the ground. 2 Head into the courtyard and go up the grapple on the right. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a Lego-themed action-adventure video game based on the Lego Star Wars line of toys. Destroy it, grapple to the ledge, grapple to another ledge and jump down from that to a small plateau at the bottom#2: Head back to the start - this time move right, next to a silver object#3: In the room where Leia gets her Bounty Hunter helmet behind the gate#4: Force move the back right object#5: Go through the crawlspace at the back left prison cell then go through the crawlspace in the back left crawlspace#6: Boost past the falling platforms#7: Break the 6 brown platforms and go underneath #8: Underneath the area where you need to make a bridge#9: To the left after the entrance to Jabba's chamber#10: In the back left cave with the RancorChapter 2: #1: On the ship with Boba Fett#2: Force move a platform and jump to the left. 2007. 6 Right after #5, jump over and force the blocks on the tall structure. Instead, take the left route, kill all the droids and use Sith Force to stack objects and jump up to the high platform on the right for the minikit. amzn_assoc_ad_type ="responsive_search_widget"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id ="mikejackson-21"; amzn_assoc_marketplace ="amazon"; amzn_assoc_region ="GB"; amzn_assoc_placement =""; amzn_assoc_search_type = "search_widget";amzn_assoc_width ="360"; amzn_assoc_height ="500"; amzn_assoc_default_search_category ="Toys"; amzn_assoc_default_search_key ="LEGO Videogames";amzn_assoc_theme ="light"; amzn_assoc_bg_color ="FFFFFF"; By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our. =====LEGO STAR WARS: COMPLETE SAGA===== =====BLUE MINI KIT CHALLENGE GUIDE===== =====By Daniel "Neutropia" Ratliff===== =====Version 1.03 - 08/29/08===== ===== CONTENTS ===== INTRODUCTION - INTROD USING THIS GUIDE - USESOF VERSION HISTORY - VERHIS F.A.Q. The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. The game was announced May 25, 2007 and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS. In Challenge you go through the level with the objective of collecting ten Blue Minikits. Destroy these, make the grapple point and grapple to the ledge#6: After lowering the wooden barricade#7: Southeast of the catapult is a tree laying on the ground#8: Immediately after destroying the first LEGO wall with the catapult, turn left#9: To the right side of the bunker#10: Inside the bunker, down the hall, left room, back right cornerChapter 5:#1: At the start, go right#2: Underneath the Emperor's Chair#3: After the Emperor high jumps to a ledge, some LEGO pieces will come out from the roof. Keep up to date with all the latest from this series of videos and other from Life In Brick by heading over to our YouTube Channel and subscribing. At the end of this area use the force on the dark object and jump up. The easiest way to get it is by saving the two pilots closest to the exit and then using a high jumper to jump from their platform up to the highest edge. It is all of the minikit models from the video game Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Red Brick – Super Slap (03:07): Many of the minikits in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (and even a few from LEGO Batman: The Videogame) are also Minikit copies of respective vehicles (or, in one case, a character, and in two Super-Kit cases, two levels). 10 In the very last room when Maul starts to attack, use a high jump character on the first ledge on the right. All as minkit models! In this game, the player plays as a Lego minifigure (the Lego name for a person's figure). As you enter the inside of the Palace, destroy the statue next to the large floor buttons. Head down Obi-Wan's path to the Power Supply Unit, and it will be to the left of that.#4: Continue down Obi-Wan's path to the next room. Answer Save. I have this proposal for a set. There are 10 to find in each level, so 360 overall. 4 After heading up the stairs, use the force on the brown wall to reveal the kit, 5 In the alcove right after the bounty hunter panel. Go to the right corner and use Boba Fett to detonate the objects, then fly over#3: Inside the left tent#4: Past the three Tuskan Raider and the mud, is a Grapple Build-It, make it and grapple#5: High jump on a container then high jump in the opening near the front of the Sandcrawler #6: As soon as you enter the Sandcrawler, build C-3PO's access point, go inside and in the back of the room#7: After the room you save R2-D2, there is a Dark Force object on the wall, to the left of the grey buttons on the floor.#8: After exiting the Sandcrawler, head towards the area with the pumps in the mud. Jump up and get the kit, 9 Go right and force open the panels blocking a room, 10 In the final area, on the left next to force usable objects. In the dining area, use the force on the tables and chairs to the left to create a large dining table. Through the Jundland Wastes. Also, there are many temporary conditions of the characters (like Anakin Skywalker without hand or Jango Fett without his helmet), but they didn't get into this list. Minikits are collectibles found in each level. 7 Fly back to the other side from #6 and work your way around the path behind you. In large area where you have to get all of the characters up to the top level by different means, go to the front of the screen and jump down to a lower level where you’ll find three blocks stacked up. Power Brick. These are only from episode 1. 9 In the laser field corridor when chasing Maul. In anticipation of the release of LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, I decided to add some of the most famous builds in The Complete Saga to Rebrickable. #1: Automatically start off with one.#2: At the end of your descent through three battlecruisers, should be at the edge of the last one#3: After opening up one of the ships, it will be on the left, next to the command deck#4: After going underneath the ship, it will be near the edge#5: While traveling through some open space, it will be before one of the Separatists' ships#6: After seeing one of the Republic ships fire its' superlaser, you will be grazing another Republic ship. In the hologram area will be the Mini-Kit#3: Save the first Wookie in the trees then continue to boost to the left#4: After saving the second Wookie go west and grapple to the closest ledge#5: Behind the wreckage in the water#6: Go all the way to the left and in between some rocks#7: On the ledge to the north, farthest away from the sunken fighter#8: To the right in between some trees, in the clearing#9: At the beginning of the boulder maze, there is two tall rocks. The final minikit can be a pain. In the bounty hunter area where you find Minikits #4 and #5 use the Force on the shower shown below. The player must play through levels based on scenes from the Star Wars movies. They could be used to build miniature starfighters and other small vehicles. All Droids can pass through gases. community members have thanked the author. It's just colour design, you could argue that the combination of the red and green transparent bricks flashing makes them easier to spot. 8 Before shooting the 4 targets, use a high jump character on the left elevator. Notice the Double Score Zone by Minikit #1. You will eventually come to a circular room with a droideka. (First Lap) In between two sets of holes on the left after dropping down, (First Lap) In pink crystal cave on right, (First Lap) After pink crystal cave on right, (First Lap) Right after #6 under rock bridge, (First Lap) To the left of speedpads after #8, After the the 1st "Malfunction" area, turn right and switch to a TIE starship, keep going and there will be another TIE Fighter gate, © 2021 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Ride the air up to the ledge and high jump.#4: High jump into the circle window#5: Inside the Stormtrooper access room#6: Inside the Bounty Hunter access room (opposite side of the Stormtrooper access room)#7: At the top of the elevator#8: Inside the Emperor's Chambers, to the left#9: Head north after the last one#10: Build the battery, rotate it, put it in place, then ride the elevator all the way to the top and jump to the highest ledge on the rightChapter 6:#1: At the start head north to the closest ship. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Features &... Lego Marvel Super Heroes – The Good, the Bad and the Hungry 100% Gui... Lego Marvel Super Heroes – A Doom with a View 100% Guide, Lego Marvel Super Heroes – Magnetic Personality 100% Guide, Lego Marvel Super Heroes – Rapturous Rise 100% Guide, Lego Marvel Super Heroes – Taking Liberties 100% Guide. On top of the Force movable object in the middle of the room#9: Force move the three objects on the ground, in the back of the room, to make a jumping point and high jump to the ledge#10: First door on the left in the holding cells.Chapter 5: #1: Head south at the beginning of the level, this one is submerged#2: Go inside the first C-3PO access area (Left after you exit the garbage chute)#3: Throw the switch for the grapple point twice#4: Immediately on the left as soon as you enter the window washing area#5: Immediately on the left in the room after the window washing area#6: After going up the elevator and going in the next area, stay along the right wall#7: After building the grapple point, grapple to the other side and enter that door, next to the helmet maker#8: Inside the Stormtrooper swarm room, on the door on the right#9: Same place, this time in the left door#10: Where the Falcon is being kept, Go to the far right side, in the opening where you have to push something to get the pieces to make a grapple point.Chapter 6: #1: At the start, look right#2: Deactivate the first shield and stay right till you reach the first turret#3: Continuing to stay to the right, past the gap and follow the wall to the end#4: Before moving to the next area, go left before reaching the force field to the TIE fighter gate#5: Stay along the right side (yet again) till you reach another TIE Fighter gate#6: Come back around to another TIE Fighter gate (this one is close to a torpedo dispenser), in the back of this area.#7: Come out of the gate and head south, stay along the right side#8: Head north to the next area (not the one past the 3rd TIE gate but the one past the second Force Field) and stay to the left.#9: The start of the trench run, just do a u-turn#10: The very end of the trench run. On the right, destroy the statue and head inside. Minikits were small white containers that could be found in various locations in the galaxy. Once over, jump over the left side and follow the path back along the wall to the minikit near the fountain. [color=blue]Episode 4,Chapter 3.Missing Minikit[/color] - Feb 10, 09 All Star Wars Forums Neoseeker Forums » PS3 Games » Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga » Blue minikit bits? Go through this, and go all the way across to the other side of the appearing platforms, and use a high jumper to get this one#5: After #4, go to the 5 tanks and go in the first crawlspace.#6: After an R2-D2 unit opens another door, go left, in front of the window#7: In the Stormtrooper acess room, use an R2-D2 unit to disable the barrier on the right side.#8: After chasing Jango Fett across the land mine bridge, keep going straight to a grapple point, grapple to the ledge and go all the way to the left#9: Force move the LEGO's blocking an R2-D2 access point, and high jump to the ledge above the door#10: Dark Force move the barricade, to the left of the two R2-D2 access points (for the hovering sentry droids hatch) and enter the room and it will be in front of some holding tanksChapter 3: #1: Left side past the third Force moveable object, in the archway#2: Past the first stamping machine, then jump onto the red platforms right after it#3: Inside the wire frame cylinder just before the three fans#4: Head south and there will be a rotating bridge, Boost across to the grapple point, grapple to the ledge, and use a Stormtrooper to access the roomMini-kit will be in the back corner#5: After shooting the second target to activate the molten metal container, high jump to the ledge and proceed to the R2 access point/room. Fly over right then blow up the metal doors. It also includes new levels such as the bounty hunter pursuit from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. Fly over the missing bridge and you'll see the kit on the other side. LEGO Minikit from LEGO Star Wars The Complete saga video game (LOT OF 1). 10 In the hangar, is behind some bombs just after the second starfighter on the right hand side. This minikit is fairly easy to get even in Story Mode - it's in the room where you've found R2. Across this is a silver wall, and behind it is the Mini-Kit#2: Go around the circle where you fight General Grevious#3: Jump to a small ledge to the north (from where you originally start)#4: Jump back to the circle, then to the left is a boost area. This is exactly the same as the White Minikits, apart from the fact that they're blue and in different places. To the left is a Dark Force object with a rock on top, Destroy this,jump on the rock to the new area, and high jump on the rocks at the back of the area#9: In the second mud are, use C-3PO to pump the mud out of the ground and high jump on the orange objects on the left, then high jump into the X2 score zone, and boost across the ledge#10: On top of Obi-Wan's homeChapter 3: #1: Behind you and to the right is a Stormtrooper access point, with the Kit to the left in the opening#2: In the small opening to the right of the big garbage can hiding one of the carrots#3: Behind the Stormtrooper access door. #1: The start of the level, to the left of the console#2: After opening the door with the two levers, head right, next to the Dark Force blockade#3: To the left is a C-3PO access point, with the Mini-Kit to the left of the door#4: Destroy the silver object, and go underneath the grating#5: Above Darth Vader's head#6: In the room after, destroy the wall on the far left#7: Go inside the Stormtrooper access point, turn left, and deactivate the shield#8: In the room where you first push stuff around, head south and follow the railway to the right#9: In the crane room, next to the C-3PO access point, is a hidden grapple point, grapple, and high jump to the ledge on the left#10: In the entranceway to the last roomChapter 2: #1: Behind you and up a ramp#2: Just inside the hidden Tuskan Raider camp and to the right. Relevance. This set includes:-Republic Cruiser Radiant VII-Gungan Bongo-Royal Starship-Sebulba's pod-Naboo Starfighter-Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator. The minifigures are:-Republic Captain In the final area where you have to save the pilots, as you walk into the room, head left and save the first guy. It is a combination of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and its sequel LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy. 10 (Third Lap) After starting third lap, will be after a speedpad. All characters with Blasters can dodge enemies' Blaster Shots. This shows all of the blue minikits on chapters 1 through 3 of Episode 6: Return of the Jedi from LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga. This time remember to use the Force on the walls before you destroy them. Freeplay Mode - Episode IV. Grapple up. 6 After going through the target door, drop down and it's beside the red button. LEGO Minikit MOC will come preassembled in padded bubble envelope. Behind this is a race track with the Mini-Kit in the middle#2: The smaller island in the middle of the swamp#3: Before Yoda's hut, there is a Dark Force object that has a Build-It for a raft, make the raft, and float to the other side. On top of a rock on the right side#4: Force move some of Yoda's hut to make a jump point to get onto a high rock#5: Behind the third bat trap#6: In the cave, Dark Force move some pieces to make half a bridge, go to the end of the bridge and Dark Force move the rest to finish the bridge.#7: Just before you start jumping across the big hole to the other side, jump to the top of the cliff on the left side and have R2-D2 open the gate.#8: During your fight with Vader, head left at the base of the small cliff#9: After exiting Vader's cave, keep heading east#10: Past the bridge on the left side on top of some rocks where you need two Force characters to move each other to the top of a tree.Chapter 5:#1: On top of the X-Wing#2: Inside the room that R2-D2 accessed, head right and in the back#3: In the carbonite processing room, jump off the circle#4: At the start of the next area#5: At the end of the area#6: Head south right after you enter the second fight with Vader#7: Enter the next room after the fight, head east#8: Use R2-D2 and boost to the other side, then head left#9: After Vader escapes through the glass, keep fighting him till you get to a part where R2-D2 needs to move the elevator, right next to the access point#10: Right next to the Stormtrooper access pointChapter 6:#1: Head into the first C-3PO access room to the left#2: In the small circular room to the left#3: After opening the first Bounty Hunter door, turn right#4: Chase Boba Fett to his ship#5: To the right of Boba's ship#6: Grapple to the elevator and high jump on the elevator#7: Boost across the big gap, then grapple to another ledge#8: Grapple to the top again (after the small Stormtrooper ambush) and boost to the front right opening#9: Head to the room to extend the bridge to the Falcon#10: Behind the Falcon.

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